Film clips and video footage
People and parks, 2006
In 2006, the conservation organisation, African Parks Foundation, took over the Omo National Park on a 25 year lease. It left two years later. In this clip from the film 'Shooting with Mursi' (a DFID/UK AID film made by Ben Young with Olisarali Olibui), Mursi give their side of the story.
Interview with Komor-a-kora, Bio-iton-giga and Arinyatuin, 1991
Unedited footage from an interview shot in northern Mursiland, during the making of the films ‘The Land is Bad’ and ‘Nitha’. The three men were asked to give their views on the foreign tourists who had become regular visitors to their country in recent years.
Tourists at the bridge, 2001
Unedited footage shot during the making of the film 'Fire will eat us' (Woodhead and Turton) in January 2001. The tourists shown were from 'Discovery Expeditions' of Antwerp, Belgium. They were filmed meeting a group of Mursi at the bridge over the River Mago.
The Nitha, 1991
A clip from the film 'Nitha' (Woodhead and Turton), showing the culmination of the Ariholi age-set ceremony, held at Kurum in southern Mursiland in 1991. In the very early morning, the new set is given its name ('Geleba') by the presiding elder, Ulijeholi Garana. This was the first age set to be formed since 1961.
Conversation in the grain store, 2001
A clip from the film 'Fire will eat us' (Woodhead and Turton). Bedameri, a Mursi government official, explains to his listeners the latest twist in the story of the government's demands that the Mursi young men who took part in a raid on the Aari in January 1999 should give themselves up to the police.